kmx2mbox home page
16/11/2004: Add the SiMail home page, as it is a program set to replace and be better than MW. Can also import MW mailboxes.
15/06/2004: Add the "new" kaufman programs web page, as the original is no more.
08/12/2002: Add links to sylpheed and a fix few english errors.
02/12/2002: Found by accident a similar program to convert the MW mailbox HERE it is... I didnt test it but looks like it can do more things than mine (like: re-add the attachs).
I also re-added the MW36conv.exe, lost when the old site was shutdown.
12/09/2002: update to version 1.5, added the new mailbox format from the latest MW beta.
11/09/2002: update to version 1.2, made long time ago, that improved the mbox format (for better eudora support) and move the page the the new url, as the old server was disconnected
I'm also finishing the suport for the new MW beta version mailbox format, it is simple and be over in little time.
17/01/2002: Update to 1.1, added some checks and workaround for empty data fields kmx mailboxes (ancient MW version mailboxes, already imported to the new MW version, kmx mailboxes).
During my total move from window$ to linux i found a major problem...
The email program i use in window$, Kaufman Mail Warrior (new site), use a closed mailbox format and lacks of any import/export email.
I tried running MW in wine, but fails (the compressed exe break wine, the uncompressed one crashed), i tried to read the .kmx format but i was unable to find any tool that could read it. I searched the net and i didnt found anyone that had converted the kmx fo other format.
I left the email in window$ and used the linux for almost all thing, checking the email with the "dont delete server emails" option so i could join the email later in window$
But this wasnt what i wanted, i wanted to use only linux and use windows for some game that doesnt work in linux.
So i tried harder this time, the .kmx format looked like a compressed one, but sometimes i found the messages uncompressed... i remember that i usually compressed the mailbox from time to time, so if a mailbox wouldnt be compressed, the kmx format would be alot easier
i just created a empty mailbox and copy some email to it, didnt compressed it, open this mailbox in vim and all the email where in plain text inside some binary limits... I quickly found a way to extract the emails
As i wasnt the only one needing a util like this i decided to make it usable to other people and give it way (in GPL open source).
i made a small script in perl to export my several mailboxes from Kaufman Mail Warrior to a format i could use in linux but that could be usefull to others too
the mbox format is a good standard that almost all email programs can read (eudora uses a format that is near the mbox, so use the eudora importer if you are still in window$)
So here is the program, there is inside more info (maybe too much info 8) and how to use it.
i think i manage to kill al bugs, but if you find one, tell me about it.
any problem just email me at higuita @
for now it only export kmx format, i dont know if i can make one importer to kmx, but i still didnt try
you need perl to run this script, almost all linux distros have it, window$ people have to search the perl binary for windows
update i have made a zip package for use in DOS, so the window$ people can use this... check below
it may have a side effect, it may recover emails from broke, damage .kmx mailboxes (or recovered .tmp after one crash of MW or window$)
(i need confirmation about this, but i dont have now any broke kmx or crashed .tmp to test it)
I'm now using on linux a great email client that is very fast, powerfull and stable, Sylpheed, the Claws version (ie: bleeding edge version). I right now think it's even much better than MW (if it worked in linux).
There is too a windows version, so i recommend that people still stuck in windows and want to change from MW to try Sylpheed win32, both normal and claws version on the same page
They can share the same mailbox in linux and windows, so using both systems are easy. It's major problem is that the network code block the GUI, just like MW, but there are plans to fix this, although not easy.
I too recommend the sylzilla theme for sylpheed, as it's very good, and almost any GTK theme as the GTK default is a little too boring.
There is also SiMail, a email client that is close to MW, but GPL, with active developement and getting better in each new version. Its the close you can get from MW, without being MW.
1.5: kmx2mbox 1.5 12/09/2002 or Gzip Compressed
1.2: kmx2mbox 1.2 11/09/2002 or Gzip Compressed
1.1: kmx2mbox 1.1 17/1/2002 or Gzip Compressed
first version: 1.0c kmx2mbox 1.0c 13/11/2001 or Gzip Compressed
for win32, get the zip below and latest version of kmx2mbox. copy it to the same folder you decompressed the zip, overwriting the older version
Basic win32 Perl+kmx2mbox 1.0c - Zip file ~410K
Just in case you are still using MW 3.5x (don't, 3.61 is alot better) and want to convert the old mailbox format to the new and cant find the converter made by kaufman you can get it here:
Kaufman MW converter from 3.5x to 3.6x: MW36Conv.exe.gz - about 160k (fixed)
last update on 16/11/2004
